원문: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh547106.aspx
l NuGet : Visual Studio(VS)의 extension. Add, Update, Remove libraries.
l Install : Tools à Extension Manager à Online Gallery à Search à Click ‘Download’ button
n ASP.NET MVC 3 includes NuGet. (MS will put NuGet into VS 2011 or later.)
l Launch
n Right click on the project’s “References” node.
n Select ‘Manage NuGet Packages’ option.
n Select ‘Online’ tab.
n Search and install
l How It Works
n Downloads the package file and all its dependencies
n Extracts the packages contents.
n References assemblies in the package
n Copies content into the project
n Applies package transformations
n Runs associated Windows PowerShell scripts in the package
l Updating packages
n ‘Update’ tab, ‘Update’ button
l By command
n Tools à Library package manager à package manager console
n Get-Package -ListAvailable -Filter MVC : for search
n Intall-Package Elmah : for install
n Update-Package (-Safe) : for update